Best way to deal with Exam Anxiety

Exam AnxietyThis quite common that students eager to get good marks in exam because of the very strong competition. This applies to high school students in the city and students from other institutions. But some of them are so eager to function normally, have sleepless nights and irregular sleep, nocturnal sweats, lack of character or irritability, ease of convenience or lack of appetite, nausea, Butterflies in the stomach, although some have dizziness and weakness, and all these things negatively affect their performance on the test. Although the extreme anxiety test is really rare, but this can be a big problem sometimes. But being aware of the main causes of exam anxiety can be helpful in reducing the effect. In addition, dealing with anxiety can also be a great strategy of success for all students.

So, to help, this article explains how to deal with exam anxiety.

Steps to overcome Exam Anxiety

  • First, having someone to talk about student work can be really helpful. Support by tutors, other students or parents can help children share their concerns about keeping things in perspective. So if you discover that your child is facing exam anxiety, he speaks immediately to teachers at school.
  • Sleep is important to improve concentration and thinking. Teens need at least 8-10 hours of sleep per day. So let your children, at least 30 minutes break between studying, using the computer, watching TV and going to bed to help get a good sleep. All cramming night before exams is a bad idea altogether. Having a good sleep will be beneficial for your child over a few hours of panic to last minute study.
  • Having a balanced diet is very important to maintain the health of children and also help them feel good during the exam period. In some cases, parents choose to feed their children or teens different types of foods high in sugar, foods and beverages containing high-fat caffeine such as chocolate, sweets, chips, hamburgers, colas , etc., which makes them irritable, hyperactive and unbearable.
  • Help the children to revise so that they are comfortable studying. Help them to make a scheudle for revision, or you can ask the school to do so.
  • You also need the parents to be flexible enough during the children’s observation period. So, while your child is studying or revising all day, do not ask her or clean the room by the irregular bed or do household chores that are inactive. Instead of keeping calm and encouraging your child to study.
  • Encourage exercise during the exam to ensure your child stays active. Regular exercise helps increase energy levels, relieves stress and helps your mind to get rid of exam anxiety. Aside from exercise, cycling, walking, swimming or playing football can also be effective.
  • Communicate with your children on the exam anxiety. Let them understand that it is normal to feel anxiety during examinations, which should be taken positively. This makes them safe.

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